Corporate Governance
Corporate governance has increasingly become one of the critical factors in reinforcing the achievement of corporate goals for many corporations.
This could be linked to a growing recognition that the primary goal of the corporations should be creating long-term real value for customers and wealth for shareholders, while simultaneously contributing to social well-being and environmental sustainability.
Our well-established corporate governance system proves our strong commitment to maintaining internal and external accountability, as well as the highest standards of business ethics and conduct.
NEQSOL Holding’s consistent approach to corporate governance is aimed at enhancing long-term profitability, following prudent risk management practices, as well as at creating long-term superior and sustainable shareholder value by aligning the interests of shareholder and professional staff. We are constantly improving our corporate governance structure in order to permanently ensure and promote integrity in all our actions. Effective governance is in the core of our corporate culture.
Our ultimate goal is to meet stakeholder expectations of sound corporate governance in line with NEQSOL Holding’s broader corporate responsibility towards its customers, partners, and other stakeholders, as well as the communities and environment in which it operates.
NEQSOL Holding is an internationally operating group of companies represented in several geographical locations. We are aiming to keep improving our corporate governance system to comply with the regulatory obligations in each jurisdiction.
Our key principles of corporate governance address the separation of ownership and management, and bringing in highly-qualified executive management team pursuant to strict internal compliance policies and supported fully by independent Boards of Directors. At NEQSOL Holding, we all believe that effective corporate governance can be realized only through the strong professional leadership skills and qualities of our management team, and by the partnership with our devoted team members.
Each of Holding’s group company has its own Board of Directors that consists of highly skilled and reputable independent members. The Boards as ultimate decision makers are empowered to make strategic decisions for the group companies. The role and actions of the Boards should complement, enhance, and support the work of the management team, while at the same time, it should help protect and grow the shareholders’ interest and create long-term sustainable value.
NEQSOL Holding’s headquarters plays the role of Corporate Center that coordinates strategic and financial supervision within the organization. Substantially all significant projects and transactions, such as M&As, Investments, Restructuring, Valuations, Projects financial analysis, and Joint Ventures are managed by the Corporate Center team. To increase the efficiency of decisions taken by the Boards and to prepare recommendations there is a monthly Executive Committee (ExCom) that coordinates action between the Corporate Center and the Boards.
Every business of NEQSOL Holding is held accountable for constant reviewing and improving its business performance, and the Boards are not subject to exception. NEQSOL Holding applies various tools and methods that allow to conduct an independent evaluation and to constantly assess the Boards’ performance in order to maintain the highest standards of professional performance, business ethics, and compliance while keeping strong professional relationships between the independent directors and the management. The strong corporate governance system is a key feature of NEQSOL Holding that paves the way for attracting highly experienced Board members and selecting the best and brightest regional and international management talents.
NEQSOL Holding continually demonstrates high performance both operationally and financially. The company strongly promotes and fosters transparency which is also observed among all of its affiliates to demonstrate and remain committed to the highest level of transparency in their activities, relationships, and workplaces.
Tax transparency is identified to be a key policy for NEQSOL Holding’s group companies in all jurisdictions. So far, the group companies have paid various types of taxes in the amount which is equivalent to 1.3 billion USD.