FLEXcellence — first program for large staff’s remote work launched in Azerbaijan
For the first time in Azerbaijan, Azerconnect, a company operating in the realms of information, communication, and high technologies, has launched an innovative program, “FLEXcellence,” that provides effective remote work regime management for large teams. The name of the program has been derived from the English phrase “Flexible Excellence.” Azerconnect offers the opportunities created by this program both to its employees and employees of the organizations it serves.
Opportunities created by the program for managing workplace and working time provide employees with an option to work remotely without any negative impact on the productivity of specific work activity. In turn, this allows the company to optimize its activities by applying innovative solutions in line with successful international experience and provide safer working conditions in the new normality created by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Matanat Babayeva, Chief Human Resources Officer at Azerconnect, said the program represents a different approach to the traditional concepts of the workplace and working time.
“Based on the introduced hybrid work model, each employee can reserve a desk in the company’s administrative offices using a special program and work from the office on certain days of the week with the prior consent of the immediate supervisor. The introduction of the hybrid model allows our employees to work remotely, as well as ensures support for teamwork and socialization among them. Along with the creation of a more flexible work environment, the application of this model will also pave the way for the formation of a new corporate culture,” said Matanat Babayeva.
Speaking about the success of the project, Chief Executive Officer Emil Masimov noted that as a company operating in the ICT sector, Azerconnect is eager to benefit from the most modern technologies while introducing flexible management mechanisms.
“The “FLEXcellence” program has become possible thanks to such modern technical solutions. This change that we have handled with care was successfully tested amid the needs created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Preliminary results allow to say that the program both contributes to effective management and to the well-being of staff and the life-work balance,” said Emil Masimov.
Launched in 2013, Azerconnect is the first B2B (Business-to-Business) company operating in the dynamically developing ICT and high technologies sectors in the country. The company provides a wide range of ICT services in line with international standards.
Azerconnect is part of NEQSOL Holding, an international group of companies with business areas covering energy, telecommunications, high-tech, and construction industries in the UK, the USA, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and the UAE.